Pennsylvania Wood RoachPennsylvania Wood Roach

Order: Blattodae
Family: Blattellidae
Scientific Name: Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (DeGeer)
Color: yellowish-chestnut brown; The thorax and tegmina are edged in pale coloration.
Legs: Six
Size: 22-30 mm(males), 12-20 mm(females)
Antennae: Yes
Flight: No

This native species is found through many southern states as well as northeastern states and Canada. It is apparently a native species. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches range in size from 1/2-1-1/8 inch long. They are chestnut brown with a white edge around the forewing. Males are fully winged and can fly. The female's wings are reduced, covering about two-thirds of her abdomen, rendering her functionless for flight.

This is one of the few cockroach species that can occasionally invade a home but rarely breeds or survives indoors. They can enter a structure on firewood or enter at night through small openings because they are attracted to light.

The Pennsylvania wood roach is normally an outdoor pest but can sometimes be found in homes and cottages. Its diet consists mainly if organic matter, sweet or fermenting substances and fungi. It hides beneath loose bark, ground litter, in wood piles, stumps and hollow trees. The males of the wood cockroach are strong flyers and are often attracted to lights at night.

The Pennsylvania wood cockroach has not been associated with any diseases.

Control is seldom recommended because this roach rarely survives indoors. Using a "bug bulb" in porch lights and sealing and caulking around exterior doors and windows has been found to be beneficial in keeping these roaches to a minimum inside structures.

(Source: National Pest Management Association, et. al.)